Another Bank Collapsed Tonight . . . What You Need to Know.

April 26, 2024

Another Bank Collapsed Tonight . . . What You Need to Know.

Breaking news reports reveal that another regional bank, Philadelphia based Republic Bank, has just officially collapsed.

The Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities seized Republic Bank and immediately sold it to a different bank, Fulton Bank.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) estimated it will have to shell out $667 million from the Deposit Insurance Fund to make depositors whole.

The persistence of high interest rates is killing banks, and MANY other banks are sitting on enormous unrealized losses at the moment that can bring them down if depositor confidence falls even lower than it is now and people begin pulling more money out. 

What You Need to Know and How to See Through the Lies

The Deposit Insurance Fund is a well framed lie to make people feel like their deposits are safe when kept in a bank.

How do they lie?

First Lie:  The FDIC website states, "The FDIC is funded by FDIC-insured institutions, not taxpayers."

That taxpayers don't fund the insurance is a lie.  Yes, the insured banks are the entities that must physically send in the money and pay in to the insurance fund.  But these banks don't just pull this money out of their own pockets from the goodness of their hearts.

These banks crunch the numbers and simply pass these fees on to the people who use the bank via transaction fees and other types of fees.  They've got this figured out.

Translation:  The average tax payer who uses the bank ends up paying for all the fees that fill the insurance fund, which means that taxpayers are ultimately funding the insurance.  They're lying to you.  You pay for the insurance, not the banks.

Second Lie:  Another lie stated on the FDIC website is, "Since the start of FDIC insurance in 1934, no depositor has lost a single cent of insured funds."  This is a lie because it makes people believe that everyone will always be covered in the event of a major banking collapse.

People have been covered thus far, but it's a mirage.  The FDIC is legally required to maintain an insurance fund that is only 1.35% of the total deposits at risk in the United States.  If a bunch of banks go down, you're getting nothing.  

Saying The Nastiest Part Out Loud - Who Always Wins?

To give a super simplified example of how the corrupt banking system always wins:

  1. Republic Bank creates money out of nothing and loans it out to people as part of its banking operations.
  2. Republic Bank collects interest on this money that it created out of nothing.
  3. Republic Bank takes too many risks and then collapses.
  4. FDIC pays the depositors who lost their money.  But remember, the FDIC essentially collected that insurance money in the first place from the very people who they paid back.
  5. Fulton Bank buys Republic at a bargain price.
  6. Fulton Bank starts collecting interest on the money created from nothing that it grabbed at a bargain price.
  7. FDIC increases the fees required to maintain enough money in the insurance fund, and the banks figure out how to pass these increased fees on to you.
  8. Hit the repeat button.
  9. The more money that is created/printed out of thin air, the more your dollars lose value and buy you less and less.  You're constantly getting poorer. 
  10. Banks win.  You Lose.

This corrupt cycle can only go on for so long.

Other banks will surely go down.  It is only a matter of when.

We are repeating this over and over again because we're getting closer and closer to economic destruction.  You see the signs.  Don't ignore them.

Get 90% of your funds out of the system and keep in the bank only what you need for the next 6-12 months depending on your individual circumstances.  Preserve what you pull out with the physical Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds while you work on getting closer to the soil.

Call Century Silver Exchange at 877-936-7686 to place an order or to request free materials for yourself or to educate others. 

If you want, you can also order the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds online by clicking here.  Call Century Silver Exchange for even better pricing by phone and for larger orders. 


God bless,

Century Silver Exchange



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