A Real Banking Delay - Holding Our Money Hostage

October 23, 2024

A Real Banking Delay - Holding Our Money Hostage

We experienced a delay in our banking system yesterday that we have never experienced before.

It might seem small at first, but we believe this is indicative of much bigger trouble within the system, or perhaps the beginnings of orchestrated disruptions.

What Happened?

We processed two ACH transactions for people who were exchanging for the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds.

We entered these as “Same Day” ACH’s, which means that the funds post into our account on the same day that we enter the transaction.

In our experience over the last 4 years, there has not been one single instance in which a “Same Day” ACH was delayed in its posting into our account. Without fail, if entered early in the morning, these “Same Day” ACH’s have posted into our account no later than 10:00 a.m.

For the first time ever, the two ACH’s we processed early yesterday did NOT post into our account at all.

We called the account officer at our bank who got us on a conference call with a “Cash Management” team specialist. The specialist's words to us were, quote:

“Everything looks complete on our end. We are just waiting on the transaction to clear through the Fed (Federal Reserve System) and through the other financial institution. It might be that the Fed is slow today or there are delays within the Fed System.”

No big deal, right?

Wrong.  This has never happened one time in the last 4 years. Never once.

Are they delaying these transactions on purpose? For what? Is the system in trouble?

Several hours later we spoke to a separate “Cash Management” specialist. When we pressed them on the issue, explaining that this has never, ever happened to us, the lady on the phone suddenly remembered something. She said she just remembered that another banking customer called her today and told her that they also experienced delays in their ACH transactions.

Bingo. Something is going on. There are cracks in the system.

Years ago we heard a Friend of Medjugorje talking about the international banking system. He was explaining that when businesses wire money overseas, there is often an “intermediary” bank in between the sender and the recipient. The “intermediary” bank specializes in international wires, and so supposedly serves a legitimate purpose.

But sometimes these intermediary banks hold the money for several days, without there really being an explanation other than “processing takes time.” A Friend of Medjugorje explained that when these big banks hold a lot of money for even just a couple of days, they earn interest on the money they hold by investing it even if it is for only a very short duration.

So why would the Federal Reserve system be delayed like never before? Is somebody short on money?

This is a warning to everyone. The banking system can take your money from you with a keystroke. Your money is not safe in the bank. Your money is not safe in a retirement account.

Everyone needs a certain amount of money in the bank right now because everyone is still using the existing financial system. But how much should you keep in the bank if it is not safe?

Keep in the bank only what is necessary in order to function for the next 8-12 months. Put the rest in the physical Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds. As the end of that 8-12 month period approaches, evaluate how you did with the money you kept for your operating expenses.

If, at the end of this period, we are still operating on a U.S. Dollar system, then make a plan to sell enough silver to cover your next 8-12 months.  Repeat this process in order to keep the majority of your wealth protected by having it physically under your roof.


Call Century Silver today at 877-936-7686 to talk with us about your retirement or investment accounts.  You can also place an order or request free materials for yourself or to educate others.

If you want, you can also order the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds online by clicking here.  Call Century Silver Exchange for even better pricing by phone and for larger orders. 


God bless,

Century Silver Exchange



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