Commercial Real Estate Bubble Threatens

February 02, 2024

Commercial Real Estate Bubble Threatens

The Total of Commercial Real Estate loans owned by commercial banks in the United States exceeds $3 Trillion. Market analysts recognize that falling occupancy levels, tenant defaults, and increased interest rates are factors indicating that many of the real estate loans are significantly overvalued.

The regional bank stock drops over the last two days has brought the issue into the light even more. Many are certain there are more devaluations coming that will draw out further losses and trigger additional impacts in the markets.

Many big Banks hold a lot of “assets” on paper and electronically on the computer screen. This fake wealth is beginning to fall apart.  

A Testimony

We came across a good testimony we received back in 2020 during the time the stock market was crashing. The words are even more appropriate for today.

After reading a Friend of Medjugorje’s book,
It Ain’t Gonna Happen, ordering silver, and then receiving his order of Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds in the  mail, a man from Milwaukee wrote to us:

“I am grateful that I now have a clear understanding of the importance of having physical silver after reading It Ain’t Gonna Happen and listening to Mejanomics.  I can see very clearly there will come a time when those of us who are holding physical silver will be wealthier than those who hold a lot of paper wealth now.”

You can turn paper into silver right now by clicking here.  Or, call Century Silver at 877-936-7686 to make an exchange or request FREE printed copies of It Ain’t Gonna Happen and other materials to further your understanding.  

God bless,

Century Silver Exchange


DISCLAIMER: The subject matter contained in this correspondence is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information regarding the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that Century Silver Exchange is not engaged to render legal, accounting or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, or real estate professional. The information in this communication may have already been changed by recent events and must be verified elsewhere before choosing to act on it.

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