Deeper Into the Darkness - Trump Verdict

May 30, 2024

Deeper Into the Darkness - Trump Verdict

The guilty verdict just rendered against President Donald Trump has moved us much deeper into the darkness as a Nation.

There is much that can be said about the trial and everything that is being leveled at Donald Trump to bring him down, in order to bring us all down.

But a Friend of Medjugorje says it better than anyone else.  Click here to view an incredible short clip from a Friend of Medjugorje, titled:  "To Love."

The deeper we descend into the darkness, the more you must make physical moves to protect yourself by moving to what is of God.  This includes moving away from the false paper and debt money system to the system of physical precious metals that God built into creation, with silver being the metal for the common man's daily exchange.

When you move towards truth, yes, even in regards to your money, you can expect to be resisted and to be attacked.

People's kids are attacking them.  Just today a lady told us her financial advisor was furious about her decision to pull out all of her money, and so he quit returning her calls.  Many have told us their bank refused to send their funds out to Century Silver.

Expect to be attacked, but do not let anything stand in your way as we make our moves together to align with the light.

Forecasting the short-term price movements of silver is impossible.  But, based on common sense and on what has happened in history, we can say that precious metals will become more valuable the deeper we descend into the darkness.  Waiting to make your move could mean great financial loss for you.

So don't act now.  Act yesterday.  Call Century Silver Exchange at 877-936-7686 to place an order or to request free materials for yourself or to educate others.  We can provide you with 10, 20, 50, or 100 CDs or more. 

If you want, you can also order the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds online by clicking here.  Call Century Silver Exchange for even better pricing by phone and for larger orders. 


God bless,

Century Silver Exchange



Disclaimer: Any written sources provided by Century Silver Exchange are based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information regarding the subject matter covered. The information is provided with the understanding that Century Silver Exchange is not engaged to render legal, accounting or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, or real estate professional. The information included in written resources may have already been changed by recent events and must be verified elsewhere before choosing to act on it. Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds and related products may appreciate, depreciate, or stay the same depending upon a variety of factors. Century Silver Exchange cannot guarantee, and makes no representation, that the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds and related products will appreciate.

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