Silver is Climbing - What To Do Before the Election

September 24, 2024

Silver is Climbing - What To Do Before the Election

Silver spot price jumped more than $1.00 per ounce today, reaching its 10 year high of a little over $32 per ounce.

Many of you are still standing paralyzed in regard to your retirement and investment accounts (401k's, etc.).

One approach that has emerged recently and is helping many people is the "50/50 Approach."

What Is The 50/50 Approach?

Instead of standing still, some people are now taking the concrete step of cashing out 50% of their retirement account.  Although most of these people believe that they should cash out 100% of their accounts for the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds, they simply can't bring themselves to do it.

However, as a first step, these people are planning to take 50% right now and put it into the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds before the election, and then wait until immediately after the election to react with the other 50%.  Hence, the 50/50 approach.

We continue to believe that 100% of the market is going to fall apart.  But for those who simply are not able to make that leap in their minds yet, the 50/50 approach is an excellent way to "get your toes wet" without dropping completely into the bathtub.

A Friend of Medjugorje has explained that Physical Silver in the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds will NEVER be worthless because God gave silver intrinsic value.  So you will be guaranteed to keep at least the 50% that you pull out now.

Something else happened recently that we believe ratchets up the urgency of getting your money out of the markets.  The recent press conference by the Vatican regarding Medjugorje has been viewed by some as a positive, but a Friend of Medjugorje sees something very sinister is afoot.  Click here to listen to his definitive broadcast from last week on this topic titled, "The Handcuffing of Medjugorje."

A Friend of Medjugorje's broadcast does not talk about silver, but after listening, you will understand that the acceleration of attacks on Our Lady's Medjugorje Messages can only mean that things are falling apart more quickly, and that you must make your moves much sooner than later.

Interest rates have been cut.  Silver is climbing.  Our Lady's Messages are under attack.  It's time to act.

If you can't stomach a full cash out right now, then start with 50% as others have begun to do.  You'll be glad you did.

Call Century Silver Exchange at 877-936-7686 to place an order or to request free materials for yourself or to educate others.

If you want, you can also order the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds online by clicking here.  Call Century Silver Exchange for even better pricing by phone and for larger orders. 


God bless,

Century Silver Exchange



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