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The Ban on Cash is Here

The Ban on Cash is Here

September 15, 2017

Yesterday's Radio WAVE Mejanomics is a “MUST” listen to broadcast. Set aside some time today or this weekend to listen to and digest the powerful content.

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Swimming With Sharks, Part Twelve: A Missed Opportunity Never Available Again

Swimming With Sharks, Part Twelve: A Missed Opportunity Never Available Again

July 27, 2017

Silver by itself is not going to save us, but it is a vital part of transitioning out of the systems that are collapsing all around us. 

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Swimming with Sharks, Part Eleven: Something Close to Nausea

Swimming with Sharks, Part Eleven: Something Close to Nausea

July 20, 2017

Author of Swimming with Sharks, Joris Lujendijk, tried hard to find the silver lining towards the end of his book. He found only nausea and the understanding that he, and you, the taxpayers, are going pay for the next crash.

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Swimming with Sharks, Part Ten: It’s Not the People

Swimming with Sharks, Part Ten: It’s Not the People

July 13, 2017

It is the system. It is the system. It is the system. The system has grown to such a point that it is unrepairable. 

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Swimming with Sharks, Part Nine: A Near Miss

Swimming with Sharks, Part Nine: A Near Miss

July 06, 2017

Time has a soothing effect. The bankers themselves acknowledged that during the 2008 crash, the entire world was on the brink of total financial collapse...

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Swimming With Sharks, Part Eight: Some Good News?

Swimming With Sharks, Part Eight: Some Good News?

June 29, 2017

The more interviews he conducted, the more digging he did, the more he looked for answers and good news, the more Joris Lujendijk, author of Swimming with Sharks:  Inside the World of the Bankers, found that there was no good news in the investment banking world.

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Swimming with Sharks, Part Seven: Complexity

Swimming with Sharks, Part Seven: Complexity

June 22, 2017

Last week we left off with the climate of fear and how this climate leads to increasingly risky positions for investment bankers and banks.  This week we will cover complexity.

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Swimming with Sharks, Part Six: Climate of Fear

Swimming with Sharks, Part Six: Climate of Fear

June 15, 2017

In Swimming with Sharks:  Inside the World of the Bankers, author Joris Jujendijk writes about the hiring and firing culture within the investment banking world.

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Swimming With Sharks, Part Five: Other People's Money

Swimming With Sharks, Part Five: Other People's Money

June 08, 2017

This week we cover a fundamental shift that occurred in the banking industry decades ago that has profound implications today and going forward.

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Swimming with Sharks, Part Three: The 2008 Financial Crash

Swimming with Sharks, Part Three: The 2008 Financial Crash

June 01, 2017

With a basic understanding of the structure of the financial world as well as the most recent financial crash in 2008, it becomes easier to drill down and understand a little more detail about investment banking

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Swimming With Sharks, Part Four: Code of Silence

Swimming With Sharks, Part Four: Code of Silence

June 01, 2017

Violating the code of silence by giving an interview or speaking to the press is very dangerous for employees in the financial sector.

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Swimming With Sharks, Part Two: A Map of the World of Finance

Swimming With Sharks, Part Two: A Map of the World of Finance

May 20, 2017

Many people do not understand or often have an incomplete understanding of basic business structure of the financial markets. 

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