You're Being Lied to . . . Volatility is the New Normal

December 18, 2024

You're Being Lied to . . . Volatility is the New Normal

A report has just come out exposing more lies dished out to you by the Biden administration.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics will make a downward revision to the report of the number of jobs supposedly created during the April-March 2024 period.  They are revising the number downward by 1 Million jobs.  The economy is not in the great shape you are being told it is in. 

As we wrote to you previously, we have all been repeatedly lied to so that we would believe the economy has been strong under the Biden administration.  Instead of job creation during that period, the job numbers were actually negative.

You are also deceived if you believe that President Trump will be able to fix everything and that the economy is going to be just fine.  Again, we echo a Friend of Medjugorje in believing that Trump is appointed by God for this moment, but Trump cannot do what is impossible. 

There is no way to overcome a national debt of $36 Trillion.  States and local governments are deep in the hole as well with state and local government debt sitting well above $3 Trillion.  Right this moment, Congress is trying to ram through a bill that will continue to increase government debt.  And by the way, it includes a pay raise for Congressman.

It is a lie that Congress is working in your best interest.  There may be a few good Congressmen left, but the system makes it impossible for them to work for the good of the people anymore. 

Some people cannot see the dark clouds that are rolling in.  But there are also many, perhaps some of you who are reading this, who have intentionally shut their eyes in order to convince themselves that these dark clouds aren't really there.

It is very tempting to believe that everything will be okay, because if everything is going to be okay then you don't have to change the way you live.  Are you intentionally shutting your eyes to that which has become undeniable? 

So if we cannot trust the information that is coming our way, then what can we trust?

We can most certainly trust Our Lady.  A Friend of Medjugorje has taught us for decades that Our Lady does not give us very specific details in Her Medjugorje messages, but through prayer, we can understand concretely what to do.

Our Lady actually pronounced the verdict on the financial systems on September 2, 2011.  She did not say the words "stock market," or "financial system," or "money."  She gave a loose fitting message like normal, but a Friend of Medjugorje unlocked the meaning for everyone and it is, in fact, super, super clear.

Our Lady said on September 2, 2011:

"Everything around you is passing and everything is falling apart, only the glory of God remains."

A Friend of Medjugorje explains that Our Lady does not exaggerate, She does not lie.  She said that EVERYTHING that is not of God is going to fall apart.  EVERYTHING means everything.  ONLY the things that glorify God will remain, and only those things. 

There is a new cryptocurrency that came out in October of this year.  We hate to even mention the name of this cryptocurrency, but it will show you how far the system has fallen.  Please forgive us:  this new cryptocurrency is called, "Fartcoin."

Stupid, right?  Yes, very crude and very stupid.  But in less than 2 months, "Fartcoin" has reached a market capitalization of almost $900 MILLION dollars.  People have bought $900 Million of Fartcoin.  This valuation is greater than the valuations of more than 2/3 of all the companies listed in the U.S. stock market!

Reading the above, just this one thing, could anyone in their right mind still argue that the financial system is "of God," that it is a Godly system? 

No way.  And the system is coming down.

Wall Street expert, Peter Grandich, noted in a recent interview, that 40% of the licensed "Financial Advisors" in the United States are so young they have never lived through a period where there was a prolonged market downturn.  These "youngsters" know only more or less unbroken prosperity, and they give financial advice based on the world view that the stock market will always be going up, even if there are some bumps in the road.

Are you following this horrible advice that is 100% inconsistent with history and still keeping your money in the stock market?

Peter Grandich warns in his interview what we have also heard a few others say about the coming year:

"It's not about how much you make; it's how much you don't lose that will define winners in 2025."

There is not going to be a "return to normal."  Volatility is the new normal, and you must protect yourself.

You already know that physical silver was created and put in the earth by God.  Silver is literally God's money.  Jesus was purchased for 30 pieces of silver.

If you are praying and seeking God's protection in this time, then you must accept that God's money, physical silver, is the way to make sure you "don't lose" in 2025 and beyond.  You cannot hold stocks in your hands.  You cannot hold cryptocurrency.  You cannot even hold the cash in your bank account.

The Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round turbo boosts the physical protection you achieve by attaching the grace of the Miraculous Medal to your wealth and giving Our Lady a tool to bring others to Her in the future.

Year-end is a great time to make a move out of investment accounts.  Split your taxable distribution in two by taking half out right now and the other half out immediately during the first week of 2025.  This could potentially save you a lot on taxes.

If you are afraid to act, then consider this quote:

"What we fear doing usually what we most need to do."

Call Century Silver today at 877-936-7686 to talk with us about your retirement or investment accounts.  You can also place an order or request free materials for yourself or to educate others.

If you want, you can also order the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds online by clicking here.  Call Century Silver Exchange for even better pricing by phone and for larger orders. 


God bless,

Century Silver Exchange



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